Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Review for The X-Factor 11/6/13

"Long is the way, and hard, that out of hell leads up to light."
John Milton, Paradise Lost

Josh: He was brought back as a wildcard, cause gawd forbid they bring back somebody that actually performed well. JAMES He tried to hard to make a good impression and it sounded as such. After Josh's "comeback" performance was over, Demi said he would have a long career ahead of him. I'm thinking at Outback Steakhouse. Home of the Bloomin' Onion.

Rachel: Her sexy legs were not enough to distract me from the fact that this was a terrible country version of "This Ol' Heart Of Mind." But those legs of hers were very nice.

Carlos: When Carlos sings, he trades in his Tourettes for "Bore-ettes." This performance was about as exciting as finding out Ben Affleck is going to be Batman.

Restless Road: I once had horseradish sauce squeezed onto my private parts. (Don't ask) It was the worst sensation I have ever felt in my life. If I were to ever be tortured, and I had the option of listening to Restless Road or having horseradish put on my balls, well that's the only time my pants will drop at the mention of Restless Road.

Ellona: Another cookie cutter teenage singer. It's not that they are bad, they just aren't very good. Nothing about them makes them stand out. They look and sound just like every flavor of the week.

Jeff: Now here is a guy that can sing. He has a distinct voice and doesn't sound like he was produced in a factory.

Alex & Ciera: This wasn't their best performance, but I don't think the song was right for them. You can't really have two people who's gimmick is being two love birds singing together do a breakup song. That being said, they do sound great with each other.

Khaya: Dear god in hell, her voice excruciatingly grating. Seriously, it was painful to listen to. I almost stopped the show and deleted it off my DVR.

Side Note: it was most evident after Khaya's performance, but the judges are on complete damage control tonight. They are doing everything in their power to make it seem like they have the cream of the crop this year.

Carlito: Another fail. "Stop In The Name of Love" does not work as a ballad. Especially with this jackass singing it.

Lillie: This show is getting ridiculous now. Another crap performance. It's driving me insane. I'm starting to feel like Jack Torrence in The Shining.

Sweet Suspense: Finally, someone injected something exciting into this show. These girls are awesome together. Great harmonies.

Rion: Note to X-Factor, don't have people singing songs before the commercial breaks, especially when they sound better than most of your contestants. Like Rion, for example. It's great that she is able to overcome her setbacks, but it doesn't give her a golden ticket to talent. She has a lot of work to do before she can be considered as good as the judges make her out to be.

Tim: I can't even.... If this show was the JFK assassination, then this performance was the head shot. And trust me, when it comes to the murder of music on this show, there is more than one shooter.

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