Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Review for TheX-Factor 11/13/13

“We are each our own devil, and we make this world our hell.”
― Oscar Wilde

We started the show off with Carlos getting eliminated. Sorry Twitch, all the sympathy votes went to the cute little blonde teen with the deformed hands.

On to 80's Night.

Lillie: Sucked. Not only was it bad to hear this grandma try to sing like a 25 year old, it was even worse to watch her act like one.

Carlito: Pure garbage. Sang "The Rhythm is Going To Get You." Carlito must have been marked with the blood of a lamb, cause the Rhythm passed right over him. Also, having the ugliest female dancer on stage with him didn't help matter either.

Rion: Sang pat Benatar's "We Belong." I can tell you were Rion doesn't belong, on the stage. She was all over the place. She has years of work ahead of her.

Sweet Suspense: Sang the classic 80's song "Mickey." Oh Sweet Suspence you're so fine you blow my mind. A fun performance.

Tim: He got to meet some chick from Modern Family. She immediately put Tim in the Friend Zone by bringing her boyfriend along to their dinner. Good stuff. What wasn't good, was Tim performance. Phil Collins' songs are getting wrecked this week. This guy has zero charisma.

Khaya: Gawd awful! This performance was like watching the Hindenburg crashing into the World Trade Center then causing the Titanic to sink.

Restless Road: When I was 22, I fell in love with this girl. She was perfect to me. Every love song made sense to me when I thought about her. So, it broke my heart and nearly destroyed me when I found out she was a lesbian. I tried so hard to Chasing Amy her, but to no avail. I thought I knew what depression was then. But, now that I've heard Restless Road sing again, I know what true depression is. If they manage to produce an album, it should come with a free prescription to Zoloft.

Rachel: When they said she was going to sing "Alone" I felt my stomach knot up.
However, my pain was quickly relieved. She nailed this song out of the park. And she looked sexy as hell doing it to. Best Performance of the Night.

Ellona: Terrible. This performance made me jealous of Helen Keller.

Josh: This performance gave me such a bad migraine my nose started to bleed.

Jeff: Sang "I Just Died In Your Arms Tonight." When I used to be a manager at a fast food place, I would play this song on repeat if my crew wasn't doing a good job. So, the lyrics to this song are ingrained in by brain like a tattoo. So, hearing Jeff get the lyrics wrong was a big mark against him. Plus, he didn't sing this very well. It's a tough song to sing. But, even on his worst day, Jeff sounds better than most of the people on this show.

Alex & Ciera: they sang "Addicted To Love" which was a good song choice for them, but the arrangement was horrible. So, this was just ok.

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