Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Review for The X-Factor 11/27/13

"Hell is my playground and Heaven is my battlefield."
-Virtual Satyr


This week's hashtags will represent what each performance makes me thankful for.

Michael Buble came out for a performance. I immediately fast forwarded over it.

Rion: I figured out what Rion reminds me of. Miss Piggy. She looks and moves just like her. The think the song she sang was called "Swinging." I assume it's about all the people who were tying a noose around their necks after listening to this performance.

Restless Road: I have no idea what their names are, nor do I care. They sang that gawd awful country version of "Life Is A Highway." Straight Tie sounded like a cartoon character. Bow Tie sounded like a parody of Scotty McCreery. No Tie at least sounded normal. Together, they sounded like a bunch of crap. I ended up making a smoothie in my kitchen to kill the memory of listening to this.

Jeff: Sang Buble's "I'm Feeling Good." Of course, I hate this song, but I'll be damned if Jeff didn't sing the hell out of it. This guy should be the clear winner at this point.

Josh: Sang "Treasure" This performance was anything but that. This kid belongs on Nickelodeon. Once he hits puberty, it'll be all over for him.

Carlito: ¿Por qué siempre tiene bailarines feas con él? No importa cómo lo dice, Carlito es terrible en cualquier idioma.

Alex & Sierra: Sang a decent jazzed up version of Taylor Swift's "I Knew You Were Trouble." Finally back to form for these two. This was enjoyable. That being said, their lovey dovey act is getting old.

Lillie: I got a text while she was singing. It wasn't till the coaches started talking that I realized I had been texting during her performance without listening to a single bit of it. I'm sure it was just the bees knees or whatever old people her age say.

Ellona: We were introduced to Ellona's sister, who has terminal cancer. Ellona then gave us a performance that made us envious of her dying sister. I hope somebody reassured her that the nausea was a side effect of the cancer treatment, and not listening to her sister sing.

All 8 came out and sang something, but I had some Pepto Bismol to chug down, so I didn't catch any of it.

Happy Thanksgiving, my wonderful readers.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Review for X-Factor 11/20/13

"Abandon all hope, ye who enter here."
Dante, Divine Comedy

British Invasion Night. And is history as taught us anything, America tends to suck when adapting things from the Mother Land.

Jeff: Sang "Bohemian Rhapsody." Despite the fact that Game of Thrones is an American creation and not British, Jeff starting out the performance on The Iron Throne was completely BADASS. This was one of the best performances on X-Factor ever. So, of course, the rest of the show is going to go downhill from here.

Tim: Bob Ross painting a picture of grass growing would be more exciting than anything this kid does. The female judges kept calling him "sexy." Where's Inigo Montoya when you need him?

Khaya: Sang The Beatles' "Let It Be." Well, I won't let it be. She sucks. This performance was uninspired crap. Her voice was all over the place. A raft in the Philippines Typhoon had more stability than her voice.

Josh: Josh came up with this joke: "What's red and bad for your teeth? A Brick."
Here's my joke: "What's black and bad for your ears?" He sang the absolute worst version of "Sweet Dreams" anybody has ever heard. Quit trying to give us another Justin Beiber,

Alex & Ciera: Sang some stupid One Direction song. (Whom will be on X-Factor tomorrow, just in case you missed it) I didn't like this. The song was stupid and there two are starting to lose their appeal. No more Sonny and Cher. Give us Sid and Nancy. Or Joker and Harley.

Rion: Well, she didn't outright suck this week. This was easily her best performance. still mediocre though, so I'll throw some faint praise her way.

Carlito: Sang The Stone's "I Can't Get No Satisfaction." That is the anthem of anybody that watches this show. Keep working on those dance moves, because that dull voice of your will get you nowhere.

Lillie: Sang some song nobody in the world but Kelly has ever heard. The next time Lillie sings, I'm going to use those 90 seconds to watch 18 "5 Second Film" videos.

Ellona: Sang "Burn" by Ellie Goulding. This song went very well with my theme of introducing each review with a quote about Hell. Because the song was called burn, it was a sin for her to cover an Ellie Goulding song, and it was torture to listen to.

RestlessRoad: There is something called an Anechoic Room, a room that is quiet, you can hear your heartbeat. They say nobody can last 45 minutes in it, because they start hallucinating and going insane.

I willing to spend the rest of my life in there if it means never hearing Restless Road ever again.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Review for TheX-Factor 11/13/13

“We are each our own devil, and we make this world our hell.”
― Oscar Wilde

We started the show off with Carlos getting eliminated. Sorry Twitch, all the sympathy votes went to the cute little blonde teen with the deformed hands.

On to 80's Night.

Lillie: Sucked. Not only was it bad to hear this grandma try to sing like a 25 year old, it was even worse to watch her act like one.

Carlito: Pure garbage. Sang "The Rhythm is Going To Get You." Carlito must have been marked with the blood of a lamb, cause the Rhythm passed right over him. Also, having the ugliest female dancer on stage with him didn't help matter either.

Rion: Sang pat Benatar's "We Belong." I can tell you were Rion doesn't belong, on the stage. She was all over the place. She has years of work ahead of her.

Sweet Suspense: Sang the classic 80's song "Mickey." Oh Sweet Suspence you're so fine you blow my mind. A fun performance.

Tim: He got to meet some chick from Modern Family. She immediately put Tim in the Friend Zone by bringing her boyfriend along to their dinner. Good stuff. What wasn't good, was Tim performance. Phil Collins' songs are getting wrecked this week. This guy has zero charisma.

Khaya: Gawd awful! This performance was like watching the Hindenburg crashing into the World Trade Center then causing the Titanic to sink.

Restless Road: When I was 22, I fell in love with this girl. She was perfect to me. Every love song made sense to me when I thought about her. So, it broke my heart and nearly destroyed me when I found out she was a lesbian. I tried so hard to Chasing Amy her, but to no avail. I thought I knew what depression was then. But, now that I've heard Restless Road sing again, I know what true depression is. If they manage to produce an album, it should come with a free prescription to Zoloft.

Rachel: When they said she was going to sing "Alone" I felt my stomach knot up.
However, my pain was quickly relieved. She nailed this song out of the park. And she looked sexy as hell doing it to. Best Performance of the Night.

Ellona: Terrible. This performance made me jealous of Helen Keller.

Josh: This performance gave me such a bad migraine my nose started to bleed.

Jeff: Sang "I Just Died In Your Arms Tonight." When I used to be a manager at a fast food place, I would play this song on repeat if my crew wasn't doing a good job. So, the lyrics to this song are ingrained in by brain like a tattoo. So, hearing Jeff get the lyrics wrong was a big mark against him. Plus, he didn't sing this very well. It's a tough song to sing. But, even on his worst day, Jeff sounds better than most of the people on this show.

Alex & Ciera: they sang "Addicted To Love" which was a good song choice for them, but the arrangement was horrible. So, this was just ok.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Review for The X-Factor 11/6/13

"Long is the way, and hard, that out of hell leads up to light."
John Milton, Paradise Lost

Josh: He was brought back as a wildcard, cause gawd forbid they bring back somebody that actually performed well. JAMES He tried to hard to make a good impression and it sounded as such. After Josh's "comeback" performance was over, Demi said he would have a long career ahead of him. I'm thinking at Outback Steakhouse. Home of the Bloomin' Onion.

Rachel: Her sexy legs were not enough to distract me from the fact that this was a terrible country version of "This Ol' Heart Of Mind." But those legs of hers were very nice.

Carlos: When Carlos sings, he trades in his Tourettes for "Bore-ettes." This performance was about as exciting as finding out Ben Affleck is going to be Batman.

Restless Road: I once had horseradish sauce squeezed onto my private parts. (Don't ask) It was the worst sensation I have ever felt in my life. If I were to ever be tortured, and I had the option of listening to Restless Road or having horseradish put on my balls, well that's the only time my pants will drop at the mention of Restless Road.

Ellona: Another cookie cutter teenage singer. It's not that they are bad, they just aren't very good. Nothing about them makes them stand out. They look and sound just like every flavor of the week.

Jeff: Now here is a guy that can sing. He has a distinct voice and doesn't sound like he was produced in a factory.

Alex & Ciera: This wasn't their best performance, but I don't think the song was right for them. You can't really have two people who's gimmick is being two love birds singing together do a breakup song. That being said, they do sound great with each other.

Khaya: Dear god in hell, her voice excruciatingly grating. Seriously, it was painful to listen to. I almost stopped the show and deleted it off my DVR.

Side Note: it was most evident after Khaya's performance, but the judges are on complete damage control tonight. They are doing everything in their power to make it seem like they have the cream of the crop this year.

Carlito: Another fail. "Stop In The Name of Love" does not work as a ballad. Especially with this jackass singing it.

Lillie: This show is getting ridiculous now. Another crap performance. It's driving me insane. I'm starting to feel like Jack Torrence in The Shining.

Sweet Suspense: Finally, someone injected something exciting into this show. These girls are awesome together. Great harmonies.

Rion: Note to X-Factor, don't have people singing songs before the commercial breaks, especially when they sound better than most of your contestants. Like Rion, for example. It's great that she is able to overcome her setbacks, but it doesn't give her a golden ticket to talent. She has a lot of work to do before she can be considered as good as the judges make her out to be.

Tim: I can't even.... If this show was the JFK assassination, then this performance was the head shot. And trust me, when it comes to the murder of music on this show, there is more than one shooter.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Review for The Voice 11/5/13


Amber: Mediocrity at its dullest.

Jonny: Sang "Bittersweet Symphony." There is something mesmerizing about that song. Except when Jonny sang it. He sucked.

Tamara: Sang "I Will Survive." Tony Clifton sang it a lot better.

Kat: There is more than one way to skin a Kat, and this performance was one of them. She did a very bad job tonight. And that Hippie dreck at the end didn't help matters.

Caroline: Finally, someone on Cee-Lo's team that sounds interesting. She's got a good voice and good control. She has that unique kind of voice you would here on an Indie record.


Josh: Did a horrible cover of Gnarls Barkley's "Crazy." This was all over the place. If he drives they way he sand this, he would get pulled over for a DUI.

Olivia: Carrie Underwood lite sounded exactly like that.

Stephanie: So boring was this performance that I decided not to come up with some clever insult for it.

Matthew: Ok, He can sing. I will give him that. In this season of The Voice, that will make him stand out.

Jacquie: Despite the ridiculous way her name is spelled, she did a great job. Best of the night She can sing. She doesn't sound like she's just trying to make her voice do tricks, she has actual range.