Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Review for America Idol 3/20/13

Beatles Night. Thank Gawd Lennon isn't alive to see this.

Oh look, Nikki is still here. I am truly surprised.

Charlie gets denied his Idol dream yet again. Looks like his brains are going to be Askewed all over the wall.

Kree: Orphan Girl sang "With A Little Help From My Friends." It's fitting that the first line is "What would you do if I sang out of tune?" Well, the answer Kree, is fast forward through the rest of your performance. I believe she secretly thanks her god her parents are dead, since they named her Kree.

Burnell: I hope Paul McCartney isn't watching this, cause if he is, we'll be down to just Ringo cause Paul will have died from a heart attack. This guy sucks.

Amber: I'll give her this: she filled out that dress quite nicely. What wasn't nice, was her performance. A baby left alone in a tub for half an hour had more life in it than this performance.

Lazaro: He should have sang "Life Goes On." That would have been hilarious. But, we get a song that sounds just like every song he has sang thus far. He sucks. He's getting by on sympathy votes, and if his reactions to the judges criticism tonight is any indication, he cannot handle this competition.

Candice: Meh.

Paul: He sucks. And I'm not talking about his sexual habits.

Angie: She looked SPECTACULAR tonight! If I was her brother, I'd do everything I could to "accidently" walk in on her taking a shower. Hell, the mom too. She is a bright candle in a void of talentless hacks.

Devin: Ryan said this kid runs a tight ship with the other contestants. Well, with Paul at least. He sucks.

Janelle: She is quite the hottie herself, but she's country, so it's automatic suck.

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