Wednesday, January 30, 2013

American Idol Auditions for 1/30/13

I normally don't review auditions or Hollywood Week, but these have been so bad, I can't help myself.


Nicki is wearing her Daenerys Targarian wig. I'm hoping she steps into a funeral pyre, but doesn't come back out.

First up is some returning black dude wearing ugly ass hipster glasses. Claims he loves Mariah, but he seemed for focused on Randy swallowing. His audition sucked. He got through.

Next up were two brothers. And you can tell they weren't lying about that, cause they equally sucked. One of them looked like a retarded Justin Long. Well, Justin Long is already retarded, so let's say he looked like Justin with actual Down Syndrome. They got rejected.

A stripper came out next. She never claimed to be a stripper, but the signs were there. 1: She dressed like a slut. 2: Her name was Savannah. 3: She had a kid at the age of 19. She sucked, so they sent her to Hollywood.

Next, an ugly ass emo chick auditioned horribly. The judges gave her another reason to cut herself. Right after her was Crytabell, a religious black chick with 3 kids. Her hair was stupid. Cut short on the sides with the top styled to look ocean waves. Her audition was a wipeout, but they sent her through to the next round anyway.

Next up was one of these stupid "nominated" contestants. Her name was Ann and she was actual very good. Very attractive to. Her husband was the one who nominated her, but I think he will be hoisted on his own petard, cause once she gets a taste of Hollywood, she'll be dumping his sorry ass in a second.

Next was some Selena wannabe named Victoria. She sang "Big Girls Don't Cry" by Fergie. Well, if big girls sang like this chick, they should cry. She looks like a Spanish Nicki Minaj. Ugh. She got through.

Speaking of Nicki, she now looks like the conductor of the Ho! Train!

Papa Peaches came out to audition. This guy was gayer than John Travolta at an all male massage parlor. Last year, a dog got ran over on the street in front of my house. As died, it let out these terrible howls of pain. That was more pleasant to listen to than this guy. Nicki likes it when people sound so bad they make her sound better, so she pleaded for this son of a peach to get through. He did. Joy.

A black Justin Bieber was out next. Until they identified him as a boy, I had no idea if it was male or female.. In what was a big surprise, he sang a Michael Jackson song. He sucked. He's going to Hollywood.

The next Ricky Martin auditioned last. Now, he's doesn;t sound like Ricky, but he is a gay Latino. He sucked. He got through.


Only Keith and Randy were out to judge at the beginning. The show just got better.

Medula Shedula came out first. She sounded OK. She got through.

Mariah showed up late, right after her cleavage arrived first though.

Some guy with AIDS came out next. He was told to audition by some guy in the bathroom. Probably were he got the AIDS. Hell, just listening to this guy sing gave me hearing AIDS. Rejected.

Some soldier who got blown up, then given medication that made him gay and sterile, yet somehow had a daughter with his wife who totally did not cheat on him, auditioned next. He wasn't that bad. He got through.

Next up, some chick from a band named "You Only Live Once" came out and literally screamed out "Set Fire To The Rain." This was the Greatest Audition Ever.

Nicki is back and looks downright beautiful.

That was a lie. She is ugly as hell,

Some chick dressed up as a slutty boat captain came out and sang so bad that she set off the alarms on the boat. She got through.

Thum duth width ah speedth impedimeth came out and started singing normally. His sob story got him through to Hollywood.

A Southern cutie came out and sounded great. Can't wait to see her in Hollywood.

Some girl who got bullied for being on the Maury Povich Show (and rightfully so) came out and shared her sob story to get a ticket to Hollywood.

Johnathan from Buffy The Vampire Slayer came out next. His sob story is the fact that he's short. He got a ticket to Hollywood, but Ryan Seacrest held it over his head, and made the tiny guy jump for it.

Just because Ryan was glad there was somebody finally shorter than him.

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