Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Review for X-Factor 10/29/13

Dear Lord Satan, please give me the strength to make it through this season.


Ellona: Selena Gomez Addams here pulled off a performance worthy of Halloween. It scared me. It was frightening to think this was the future of the music industry. Terrifyingly terrible. #MusicKiller

Danie: She sang Miley Cyrus' "Wrecking Ball," which was perfect, cause this performance showed this girl could demolish music as we know it. #JustAWreck

Rion: It must be hell for her when she has to pick her nose. Anyways, she sounds mediocre at best, but her handicap will put blinders on the judges and the oversensitive viewers watching this show. #Flop

Khaya: sang "Begging For Mercy." Well, that's exactly what she had me doing. another crap performance from the girls.

ELIMINATED-Danie. Time to go back and become the hot nerd all the guy nerds pine after, but won't get, cause she'll be too busy dating good looking jerks instead.


Josh: Black Bieber here sounded like he was singing with a stomach full of marbles. Awful. #DisBelieber.

Carlos: Paulina, being ever so insightful, told us that Carlos has a problem with his nerves. Yeah, it's called Tourette's, you dumb blonde. Anyways, he sounded like he had a nervous condition. It was crap. #CrapBallBitch

Carlito: Ah, of course Paulina would make sure we had a generic sounded Latino singer on her team. And boy, if it were any more of that, we'd have guacamole pouring out of our TVs. #YoQueroTacoBell

Tim: I decided to look up "Boring synonym" on Google to best describe this performance. Here are the results: tedious, dull, monotonous, repetitive, unrelieved, unvaried, unimaginative, uneventful; characterless, featureless, colorless, lifeless, insipid, uninteresting, unexciting, uninspiring, unstimulating, uninvolving; unreadable, unwatchable; jejune, flat, bland, dry, stale, tired, banal, lackluster, stodgy, vapid, monochrome, dreary, humdrum, mundane; mind-numbing, wearisome, tiring, tiresome, irksome, trying, frustrating; informaldeadly, ho-hum, dullsville, dull as dishwater, plain-vanilla. Couldn't have said it better myself. #ABoringOneManPlay

ELIMINATED: Josh. Don't stop Beliebing.


Lillie: Looked and sounded like a geriatric Minnie Mouse. #Goofy

Jeff: Sang P!nk's "Try." Finally, a decent performance on this show. Maybe it was because everyone that sang before him was so bad, but this guy sounded really good. #DoOrDoNotThereIsNoTry

Rachel: Sang "I Hope You Dance." Not a fan of this song, but she sang it really well. And she's cute as hell. #HopeYouLapDance

James: The song was crap, but he had a pretty strong vocal. So far, the adults are running down the kids like they are pedestrians in GTA5. #AgeBeforeStupidity

ELIMINATED: James. This was a terrible decision on Kellie's part. it should have been Lillie. Side note: LILLIE. JAMES. Rachel POTTER. So, if that's any kind of clue, Lillie will be the next to go in this category.


Roxxy Montana: They sang Lorde's "Royals." I love this song. So, watching this performance was like seeing a loved one on TV getting raped and murdered and knowing there was nothing I could do to stop it. #RoyalPainInTheAss

Sweet Suspense: 3 hot chicks. 1 great performance. I think I just might have my favorite to win. #IDontCareILoveIt

Alex & Cierra: Despite the fact that I hate seeing couple oh so in love, and despite the fact I hate Robin Thicke and his stupid song "Blurred Lines" more than anything else in this world, I actually kind of enjoyed this performance. They are good together. #DynamicDuo

Restless Road: 3 country singers. One crap performance. Manure. #RestlessRoadkill

ELIMNATED: Roxxy Montana. After their butcher of a great song, justice has been served.

My name is Virtual Satyr and I'll be your guide this season. Telling you how it is and how it should be.

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